We Care About This Earth

Its the best one we have!

Our goal on Wild Things Farm is to share this beautiful farm with others, learn their story, share our stories and leave as better people.

Our farm and campsites strive to have the lowest carbon foot print possible. There is always room for improvement, but our current guide lines are to avoid plastics as much as we can, discourage the use of one use items, and avoid unnecessary food waste. We compost food waste on the property and we recycle camper’s clean items free of charge. We are pesticide free and work hard to keep our honey bees healthy, even working with the State of Michigan to plant two acre pollinator reserve for honey bees, butterfly and any wild thing that flies. We are always open to new ways we can improve our footprint!

We Are Not Your Traditional Campground

We are like fresh vegetable from the garden, not the can. We have more nutrients but you risk getting some dirt on you.

We are dog friendly, earth friendly, kid friendly, human friendly. But come knowing that you need to respect nature and hopefully it respects you back!